Lavender essential oil botanical name is Lavendula anustifolia, Lavendula officinalis, lavender vera (lavender); Lavendula larifolia, Lavendula spica (spike lavender).
The family name Lamiaceae.
The lavender essential oil is CO2 extracted from the plant flowers.

History & Information:
Lavender os one of the most popular and cherished essential oils as it supports overall health and wellness. It is widely regarded because of it's calming and relaxing properties. It is considered a must have essential oil. Lavender was used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans for mummification, bating, relaxation, cooking and in perfumes.
The ability for lavender to be calming to the mind and body is one of its most notable qualities. If tension levels are high inhaling lavender can aid in relaxing you as well as giving a restful night sleep.
Calming and relaxing
soothes occasional skin irritations
Helps skin recover quickly
Esses muscle pain
Repels insects, kills parasites and lice
Improves digestion, soothing to the intestines
Purifying; helps in the reduction of cellulite
Vapors open the sinus and breathing passages
A few drops on your pillow, bedding, or bottom of your feet, for restful nights sleep.
Soothing for skin irritant, and helps skin to recover quickly
Combining lavender in a spray bottle helps to freshen up the home, linen, mattress or car.
Soak away stress by adding it to your bath water
Apply to temples and the back of neck to ease muscle tension.

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Consult a certified clinical aromatherapist
Topical: Apply one to two drops to desired area, gentle enough to use neat but will minimize skin sensitivity it's best to use a carrier oil.
Spray: 20-30 drops of lavender in a 2 oz spray bottle and add water ( or unscented mister)
Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. Possible skin sensitivity, If you are pregnant or nursing or under a doctors care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, ears and sensitive areas. Additional carrier oil may be required if you have dry or sensitive skin.
Essential oils and more app
The aromatherapy Encyclopedia by Caroline Schiller & David Schiller