Virgo, a mutable Earth sign, channels and refines the influence of the watery Moon as its energy permeates through Virgo's finely tuned background. The water element of the moon is influenced and shaped by the Virgoan earth, usually resulting in a positive effect by regulating the moon's inherent excess functions. If there is negativity in the moon's placement, this interaction can disrupt the usual flow of the moon's energy.
The Moon's placement in Virgo implies a tendency to align with societal ideals of perfection. You have an emotional drive to be seen as valuable and sound by adhering to the societal norms defining an ideal individual. Your comfort lies in attention to detail and organization, and you are highly regarded by society, while disorder and lack of routine unsettle you. You perceive the Moon's influence as significant in refining yourself, enhancing organization and efficiency, and striving for perfection. Your conditioning may have emphasized conformity, leading you towards order and routine.
Qualities Positive & Negative
The position of the Moon in Virgo indicates specific personality traits and attributes that resonate with you. Below are some typical Moon-Virgo qualities, starting with positive attributes followed by their negative or less favorable counterparts.
Reserved, emotions correctly displayed, capable of deeply felt sympathy for those ill or in need of care, a good understanding of own emotions and drives - Difficulty in expressing emotions outside of conventional and approved channels, overly analytical approach to emotions, frenzied emotional outbursts due to the stress of worry and nervousness.
Habits and behaviors
Proper behavior is driven by care for others, with a penchant for organization and attention to detail. Analytical and practical, comfortable within structured environments. Societal norms, sometimes overly emotional, guide this behavior, and excessive analysis can result in delays, with a tendency to overlook intuition.
Family/ mother
The conditioning from family upbringing encourages structured and pragmatic actions, with the mother often excelling as a domestic caretaker and instilling moral values. Traditional parenting roles are typically embraced. The mother might display perfectionist tendencies and compulsive neatness or, if influenced negatively by the Moon, struggle with maintaining order and possibly be disorganized. Distinguishing between personal motivations and those influenced by societal norms can be challenging, leading to a rigid parenting approach.
The rules and norms of one's culture are deeply ingrained, and they seek insights from history. This can sometimes lead to cultural bias, binding one by past conventions and viewing the past through an idealized lens.
At the transcendent level, you reach a state where you instinctively grasp the right actions and behaviors to take by aligning yourself with the higher realms of Collective Consciousness. As your knowledge and comprehension of your inner self deepen, along with a more precise grasp of the true essence of perfection, your subconscious desire for perfection evolves into a conscious pursuit of what is truly perfect and authentic.
To achieve inner harmony and perfection, you must regulate your basic and instinctual tendencies while disciplining your automatic reactions. This process involves refining ordinary aspects of yourself into something extraordinary, akin to transforming base metal into gold.
The zodiac's healer is Virgo, and many astrologers associate Chiron, the wounded healer,

as a co-ruler of Virgo alongside Mercury, the messenger god and magician of the zodiac. Mercury governs the everyday conscious mind, and you might experience some mental chatter during the new moon. Virgos are known as the perfectionists of the zodiac, with a strong vision of their potential and that of humanity. They dedicate significant energy and effort to self-improvement, prioritizing personal development.
Virgos may experience feelings of inferiority and a sense of not meeting expectations, leading to a tendency to strive for perfection. However, this pursuit of perfection can hinder and even sabotage their progress toward excellence due to feelings of inadequacy in achieving their goals.
Personal Growth
Virgo, the perfectionist is known for being logical and practical, approaching life systematically. A strong desire for enhancement often drives Virgos. When the Moon is in Virgo, it's an ideal opportunity to embrace change and refine neglected skills. It's a favorable moment to kickstart a fresh health routine, as habits formed during this time are more likely to last. This lunar phase can provide the determination needed to see things through.
Virgo moons may bring out pickiness and lower tolerance levels, leading to impatience with others. However, the new Moon presents a chance to practice patience and cultivate tolerance, acceptance, and understanding of life's flaws. During the dark Moon phase, just before the new Moon, it is an excellent opportunity to release any burdens and surrender to life's flow. Trust in life's path and allow events to unfold naturally, as they often resolve for the benefit of all involved.
5th House New Moon

New Moon (or solar eclipse) in your 5th House (Also known as your Fun Zone). This new Moon focuses on children, schools, romance, entertainment, gambling, sports, investments, pleasures, holidays, and creativity. This month is ideal for enjoyable activities, hobbies, and interests related to children, romance, and youthful energy, which can enhance social interactions. Expect a spotlight on school projects, romance, and artistic endeavors in the upcoming month. It's about unleashing creativity, enjoying the company of children, and embracing romance – perhaps individually or all together. Here's what you can look forward to enjoyment, laughter, quality time with kids, and bursts of creativity. As for aspirations, strive to recall that life is a playful adventure. Envision yourself having a wonderful time with cherished individuals. Remember this fundamental notion: Life is as joyful as we choose to make it.
5th House Moon Affirmation:
"Life is sweet!"
"I am unleashing my inner child for some fun!"
"I am a creative being, and my inspiration is abundant."
Repeat one or all three daily during this New Moon and the upcoming four weeks.
Affirmations have the power to manifest. Embrace the feeling of adoring your home to draw yourself closer to it, even if you're not satisfied with your current place.

Take A Look At Your Chart
The Virgo New Moon influences every individual's chart in different ways. Here are some areas of your chart where you might feel the effects of the Virgo New Moon:
What house is the Virgo New Moon located in your chart? This is where you will experience the most significant effect.
Mercury, the communicator and connector of the zodiac, governs the sign of Virgo, overseeing the 3rd and 6th houses. In modern astrology, some astrologers also associate Chiron's characteristics with Virgo. Virgo's inclination towards health and healing has earned it the title of the primary healer in the zodiac.
Mercury and Chiron share similarities in how they facilitate communication. However, Mercury is associated with conscious and external communications and connections, whereas Chiron operates on a deeper, subconscious, or even unconscious level of the mind. Both planets focus on our approach to relationships with others. Mercury may engage in a superficial play of semantics or deception to achieve its goals. At the same time, Chiron, on the other hand, communicates with humility and compassion due to its deep internal wounds.
Which personal planets reside in your 3rd and 6th houses? Do any of your planets form smooth or challenging connections with these houses? Smooth connections provide backing and safeguard your sense of self-worth and global recognition. On the other hand, challenging connections can intensify the obstacles you are facing.
Which house do your natal Mercury and Chiron reside in on your astrology chart? When your planets, like Mercury and Chiron, have positive connections, you'll experience increased support.
If your natal Mercury and Chiron are in a tense connection, it's essential to note this. Challenging aspects present a chance for personal development. Always allow yourself to be guided towards the most beneficial path.
Under the Virgo New Moon cycle, new possibilities for fresh starts emerge in the sections (houses) of your birth chart where Mercury and Chiron are positioned, both by birth and during transit. This is an ideal period for negotiating or revising agreements, finalizing contracts, and initiating fresh projects. Both work and health are prominently featured, signaling new opportunities on the horizon. Take note of your self-perception and interpersonal interactions. It's time to break free from long-standing habits. Embrace the potential for new experiences and growth.
The moon swiftly transitions through each sign and house, meaning that any significant events that impact your emotions are temporary. I think it's best to allow your feelings to calm down before making decisions that could have enduring consequences.
Organs influenced by Virgo Moon Sign: Organs: Pancreas, small intestine, cecum, colon, digestive tract, duodenum, rectum, sense organs: eyes and ears. Surgical operations: No - Surgical operations are not recommended during the New Moon.
Moon Aspects

11° 03’ Virgo New Moon Tuesday, September 3, 5:55 pm PT
Moon (Virgo) Conjunct Sun
Moon (Virgo) Opposes Saturn Rx (Pisces) and Forms T-Square with Jupiter (Gemini)
Mercury (Virgo) Trine Chiron Rx (Aries)
Mars (Gemini) Square Neptune Rx (Pisces)
The New Moon will highlight the importance of organizing your daily routine and concentrating on the practical aspects of serving others. You might find yourself with abundant mental energy that requires channeling into a specific task, which could lead to either productivity or feelings of nervousness and tension. Saturn's influence will prompt you to embrace responsibility, pursue your ambitions, and ultimately reveal your true self.
The peak of Saturn opposing the Sun marks the culmination of the cycle that commenced at the end of February, signifying the outcomes of your endeavors. Projects initiated during the conjunction will thrive or falter based on the realism of your aspirations and their alignment with your true self. If things need to progress as desired, evaluate the necessary adjustments and consider trying again. Mercury will bring playful and creative energy, encouraging innovative solutions and fresh ideas you can confidently and optimistically express. Jupiter will introduce grand visions for the future, offering a broader perspective for your goals. This may evoke hope and expansion, inspiring others with your words. Uranus might bring surprises and valuable insights.
Under the influence of the Virgo Moon, a fresh start awaits in work, lifestyle, and health areas. Finding emotional security involves establishing more structure and understanding what holds significance in your life. You might feel inclined to bring order to any chaotic or disordered areas. Embrace a more tolerant and accepting attitude towards life's perceived imperfections. It's beneficial to have faith in life's course and allow things to unfold naturally rather than insisting on everything aligning with your desires.
Gemstones, Crystals & Essential Oils
New Moon Essential Oil
Clary Sage: Is a balancing Essential Oil with Soothing Properties. Clary sage promotes harmony and balance with its sweet, warm, exotic, and slightly herbal scent. This inviting aroma has a calming effect on nervous tension for both men and women. On a psychological level, clary sage oil nurtures the heart, dispels negative thoughts, and eases the mind during difficult times. It may assist in addressing fatigue, stress, fear, anxiety, paranoia, and mid-life crises while also boosting creativity, imagination, and dream activity.
5th House New Moon Essential Oils
Cinnamon: often overlooked, is beneficial for matters related to the 5th House. Not only is it an aphrodisiac, which resonates with the playful vibe of this section of the astrological chart, but it also helps regulate blood sugar levels. So, if you've been indulging in too much fun in your 5th House, cinnamon oil can help balance things out. It is recognized as one of the essential oils that promote happiness, aligning well with the theme of enjoyment in this area of your chart.
Virgo New Moon Essential Oil Blend
Make the most of the Virgo New Moon energy with this blend.
Clary sage- 25 drops
Ylang Ylang- 25 drops
Lavender- 25 drops
Sandalwood- 25 drops
Add your essential oils to a 5ml (approximately 100 drops of oil) colored glass euro-dropper bottle. Cap the bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend the oils thoroughly. Allow the oils to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Crystal & Gemstone

Blue Sapphire: serves as a protective shield against life's perils. This gemstone is known for its communication properties, aiding self-expression and interpersonal connections. It also boosts intuition and mental clarity. Illuminating the Hara Line with light enhances communication and awareness of spirit guides, angels, the Goddess, and the Light. It supports the development and activation of the Light Body, cleanses the soul and the mind grid, and assists in manifesting and aligning with one's life purpose. Sapphire helps focus intent on fulfilling life purpose and karmic agreements, promoting ascension, soul growth, and bringing forth joy, prosperity, inner peace, and beauty. It is noted that while many Sapphires are lab-grown today, they still retain the healing qualities of natural stones.
Virgo New Moon Meditation

You can perform your meditation anytime from the New Moon in Virgo until the First Quarter Waxing Moon in Leo on May 15th.
What you will need:
A white candle
Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils above or a combination.
Ensure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil.
Using an aroma diffuser, You can also scent your space before meditation.
Gaze into the candle flame as you breathe fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
This New Moon is a good time for nurturing and enjoyment. Take a break, be grateful for all the joys, lessons, and big and small changes, and begin to visualize your new life.
Replace worry with gratitude; this new moon is a moment to expand your mind and make magical connections with humans and spirit guides, with the possibility of waking up to a new and different experience. Imagine what you would like your life to be in a few years and get very detailed. Visualize where you work, where you want to live, who you spend your time with, and most importantly, really feel it.
Living your life to your truth is nurturing, empowering, giving, and receiving. Do your visualizations daily—enjoy them and make your life happen.
New Moon Wishing:

Orderly environments
Handling details Efficiency and planning Paperwork
Sample Wishes to Begin Creating Efficient Systems and Order:
"I aim to maintain tidiness and organization in my home effortlessly."
"I aim to pay my bills on the same day each month effortlessly."
"I aim to arrange my paperwork effortlessly, complete all filing tasks, and discard unnecessary documents."
Desire for perfection
Bringing order out of chaos
The ability to see how the pieces fit
Sample Wishes to Activate the Ability for Synthesis:
"I aim to effortlessly recognize and embrace good fortune when it comes my way."
"I aspire to naturally shift my focus to the positive aspects of my life rather than dwelling on the negatives."
"I desire to easily take the initiative by recognizing and implementing practical steps to address challenges."
Comment below for other new moon spells, wishes, and intentions.
Divine trio astrology readings provide unique insight into your life by analyzing the positions and relationships of three major celestial bodies: the Sun, the Moon, and the Ascendant. This trio forms a powerful foundation for understanding an individual's essence, emotional world, and outward personality.
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— Moon Magic: A Handbook of Lunar Cycles, Lore, and Mystical Energies (Mystical Handbook) by Aurora Kane
— Moon Power: Empowerment through cyclical living (A Conscious Guide) by Merilyn Keskulabh
— 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar: with Empowerment Meditations, Angels, Affirmations, Crystals & Essential Oils by KG STILES